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Commissioning is a complex and difficult process. It is fundamentally about relationships and with the organisation and structure of the NHS currently in flux the job of commissioners are constantly being faced with new challenges.
Allen, P., Bartlett, W., Turner, S., Matchaya, G., Perotin, V. and Zamora, B. (2011). Journal of Health Services Research and Policy Special Issue on Health Reforms in England Vol 17 Suppl 1 January 2012, 23-30.
Wright, J., Dempster, P., Keen, J., Allen, P., and Hutchings, A. (2011). Public Administration published online 17 Oct 2011, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9299.2011.01975.x
Schafheutle EI, Hassell K, Ashcroft DM, Hall J, Harrison S (2011). International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 20: 118-28.
Segar, S., and Rogers, A. (2011). Research commissioned by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
Salisbury, C., Stewart, K., Purdy, S., Thorp, H., Cameron, A., Lart, R., Peckham, S., and Calnan, M. (2011). Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 16(4), 218-25.
Coleman, A., Checkland, K., McDermott, I., and Harrison, S. (2011). Journal of Integrated Care, 19(4), 30-36.
Willis S, Schafheutle E, Elvey R, Lewis P, Harrison S, Hassell K (2011). Pharmaceutical Journal 287, 20/27 Aug, 203-4.
Turner, S., Allen, P., Bartlett, W. and Perotin, V. (2011). Social Science and Medicine, 73(4), 522-529.
Petsoulas, C., Allen, P., Hughes, D., Vincent-Jones, P. and Roberts, J. (2011). Social Science and Medicine, 73(2), 185-192
Checkland, K., Snow, S., McDermott, I., Harrison, S., and Coleman, A. (2011). NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation programme.
Checkland, K., Coleman, A., Harrison, S. (2011). Public Money and Management, 31(4), 241-248.
Marks, L., Cave, S., Hunter, D., Mason, J., Peckham, S., and Wallace, A. (2011). Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 16, 14-21.
Hughes, D., Petsoulas, C., Allen, P., Doheny, S. and Vincent-Jones, P. (2011). Special Issue Health Sociology Review: Transformations in Health Care: Privatisation, Corporatisation and the Market, 20(3), 321-337.