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Journal publications
September 2009

Practice-based commissioning in the English National Health Service: House of Commons Health Committee Inquiry into Health Care Commissioning 2009-2010

Harrison S, Checkland K and Coleman A. (2009). House of Commons Health Committee.

Journal publications
August 2009

From cultural cohesion to rules and competition: the trajectory of senior management culture in English NHS hospitals, 2001-2008

Mannion R, Harrison S, Jacobs R, Konteh F, Walshe K, Davies HTO (2009). Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 102: 1-5.

Journal publications
August 2009

Being a good clinician is not enough: doctors as employers and practices as organisations

Checkland, K. (2009). British Journal of General Practice, 59(565), 565-566.

Journal publications
August 2009

Scrutinising local public service provision: lessons from the experience of health scrutiny 2004-2007

Coleman, A., Gains, F., Boyd, A., Bradshaw, D., & Johnson, C. (2009). Public Money and Management, 299-306. DOI: 10.1080/09540960903205949.

Journal publications
July 2009

Practice-based Commissioning – Theory, Implementation and Outcome: Final Report

Coleman, A., Checkland, K., Harrison. S.,& Dowswell, G. Manchester: University of Manchester National Primary Care Research and Development Centre. 2009.

Journal publications
June 2009

Co-optation, commodification and the medical model: Governing UK medicine since 1991

Harrison S (2009). Public Administration 87(2): 184-97

Journal publications
April 2009

Rethinking collegiality: Restratification in English General Medical Practice 2004-2008

McDonald ER, Checkland KH, Harrison SR, Coleman A. (2009). Social Science and Medicine, 68, 1199-1205. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2009.01.042

Journal publications
March 2009

Evidence-based practice in UK health policy

Harrison, S. and Checkland, K. (2009). n Gabe, J and Calnan, M (Ed.), The new sociology of the health service. (pp. 121-142). Abingdon: Routledge.

Journal publications
February 2009

The impact of pay-for-performance on professional boundaries in UK general practice: an ethnographic study

Grant, S., Huby, G., Watkins, F., Checkland, K., McDonald, R., Davies, H., & Guthrie, B. (2009). Sociol Health Illn, 31( 2), DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2008.01129.x

Journal publications
January 2009

The new GP contract in English primary health care: an ethnographic study

McDonald ER, Harrison SR, Checkland KH. (2009). International Journal of Public Sector Management, 22(1), 21-34.

Journal publications
January 2009

‘We can’t get anything done because...’ Making sense of barriers to Prctice-based Commissioning

Checkland, K., Coleman, A., Harrison, S. & Hiroeh, U. (2009). Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 14(1), 20-26. DOI: 10.1258/jhsrp.2008.008043.