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From Bolanle Odebiyi, Ben Walker, Jon Gibson, Matt Sutton, Sharon Spooner and Kath Checkland.
Short report of a telephone survey (August - December 2020) with Clinical Commissioning Group respondents regarding Primary Care Networks' response to Covid-19.
Recent policy developments suggest that provider collaboratives will be an important part of the collaborative landscape. Read our research note exploring the potential role of provider collaboratives.
A new brief on measuring unmet health and care needs among older people using existing data.
Our Briefing Note on the implications of the Health and Care Bill 2021 for General Practice commissioning.
Governance of Integrated Care Boards and their relationships with local partners.
Accountability of the new NHS statutory system, both vertically up the NHS hierarchy and horizontally between local organisations and stakeholders.
Procurement of health services by the NHS and associated issues of competition, pricing and patient choice.
Warwick-Giles, L., Hammond, J., Bailey, S., Checkland, K. (2021). British Journal of General Practice; BJGP.2020.0917.
This report forms part of a wider evaluation of the National Vanguard programme, funded by the NIHR Policy Research Programme. The aim of this national evaluation is to explore the implementation and impact of the Vanguard New Care Models programme.
Lau Y.S., Malisauskaite G., Brookes N., Hussein S., Sutton M. (2021). Eur J Health Econ.
From Ben Walker, Charlie Moss, Jon Gibson, Matt Sutton, Sharon Spooner and Kath Checkland.
This evidence is based upon research evidence derived from PRUComm and other studies and from our own and colleagues’ experience of working within the NHS. This evidence has been previously shared with Jonathan Walden and colleagues from DHSC.
This report describes and explores the newly publicly available aggregated national Community Services Data Set (CSDS). It also includes an assessment of the data quality for researchers’ and policy makers’ information.
Morciano M., Stokes J., Kontopantelis E., Hall I., Turner A.J. (2021). BMC Medicine. medRxiv 2020.11.11.20229815.