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March 2021

NHS Reorganisation: PruComm evidence relevant to current White Paper on legislative change in the NHS

PRUComm colleagues are concerned about the lack of detail and the failure to explain how current functions will be carried out in the new system, as well as the effects on accountability of the proposals. This report summarises the main issues we think the proposals raise.

February 2021

The Developing Architecture of System Management: Integrated Care Systems and Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships: Interim report

This report sets out the interim findings of our study of the development of Integrated Care Systems.

January 2021

Stephen Peckham appointed to government select committee

Professor Stephen Peckham, director of PRUComm, has been appointed to a new Expert Panel as a policy advisor by the House of Commons cross-party Health and Social Care Select Committee.

Journal publications
January 2021

Challenges of maintaining accountability in networks of health and care organisations: a study of developing Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships in the English NHS

Moran, V., Allen, P., Sanderson, M., McDermott, I., and Osipovic, D. (2021). Social Science and Medicine, 268, 113512.

December 2020

Primary Care Networks: exploring primary care commissioning, contracting, and provision – Interim report

This report presents activities and findings of the first 12 months of a (36 month) project exploring issues of commissioning, contracting and delivery of primary care services in the English NHS relating to Primary Care Networks, and the impact and outcomes of those processes on care provision.

Journal publications
December 2020

Variability in size and characteristics of primary care networks in England: observational study

Morciano M. Checkland K., Hammond J., Lau Y.S., Sutton M. (2020). British Journal of General Practice; 70 (701): e899-e905.

Journal publications
December 2020

Changes in patient experience associated with growth and collaboration in general practice: observational study using data from the UK GP Patient Survey

Forbes L., Forbes H., Sutton M., Checkland K., Peckham S. (2020). British Journal of General Practice; 70 (701): e906-e915.

November 2020

Continuity of English primary care has worsened with GP expansions

PRUComm researchers have published a study in the British Journal of General Practice that found that patients’ abilities to see their preferred GP has fallen greater in English practices that have expanded, compared with those that stayed about the same size.

November 2020

Publication of ‘On Primary Care’

Professor Kath Checkland and PRUComm colleagues from the University of Manchester have contributed to the publication of a collection of essays on the current challenges facing primary care in the UK, titled 'On Primary Care'.

October 2020

NIHR Public Interest Group calls for a revamp of the UK’s public health function

Professor Stephen Peckham, director of PRUComm, and a group of other leading scientists from the NIHR Senior Investigators Public Health Interest Group, are calling on the Government to rethink how public health is organised in the UK.

Journal publications
September 2020

NHS procurement and the origins of the personal protective equipment crisis

Boiko O., Allen P., Osipovic D., Sanderson M. and Checkland K. (2020). British Journal of Healthcare Management, 26(9), 215-218.

September 2020

How has community healthcare service provision and resources changed as a result of COVID?

This report looks at changes in the activity from three broad sections of the CHS (Community Health Service – otherwise known as ‘Community Services Data Set’) data, care contacts, referrals and immunisations.

April 2020

Commissioning Healthcare in England – Book Launch

The aim of this book is to bring together in one volume the most important research which PRUComm has undertaken during the period 2011 to 2018.

Journal publications
April 2020

Agreeing the allocation of scarce resources in the English NHS: Ostrom, common pool resources and the role of the state

Sanderson, M, Allen, P., Moran, V., McDermott, I. and Osipovic, D. (2020). Social Science and Medicine, 250 112888.

March 2020

Commissioning Healthcare in England

Pauline Allen (ed.), Kath Checkland (ed.), Valerie Moran (ed.), Stephen Peckham (ed.). This book brings together selected research on commissioning healthcare in the English NHS carried out by PRUComm between 2011 and 2018.