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Journal publications
January 2020

Trends in general practitioner incomes in England 2008-2017: retrospective analysis of repeated postal surveys

Atkins, R., Gibson, J., Sutton, M., Spooner, S., & Checkland, K. (2020). British Journal of General Practice.

November 2019

Integrated Care Systems: What can current reforms learn from past research on regional co-ordination of health and care in England? A literature review

This report presents the findings of a literature review examining research into previous intermediate tiers in the NHS.

November 2019

Integrated Care Systems: What can current reforms learn from past research on regional co-ordination of health and care in England? Executive summary

This is the executive summary to the report presenting the findings of a literature review examining research into previous intermediate tiers in the NHS.

November 2019

New Models of Contracting in the NHS

This report draws on findings from three case studies, which each focused on a new model of contracting which was being introduced or was in place in a local area in the English NHS.

Journal publications
October 2019

How widespread is working at scale in English general practice?

Forbes, Lindsay J.L., Forbes, Hannah, Sutton, Matt, Checkland, Katherine, Peckham, Stephen. (2019). British Journal of General Practice, . ISSN 0960-1643. E-ISSN 1478-5242.

Journal publications
September 2019

The regulation of competition and procurement in the National Health Service 2015-2018: enduring hierarchical control and the limits of juridification

Osipovic, D., Allen, P., Sanderson, M., Moran, V. and Checkland, K. (2019). Health Economics Policy and Law, 1-17.

Journal publications
April 2019

Moving towards strategic commissioning: What is the future of Clinical Commissioning Groups as membership organisations

McDermott, I., Warwick-Giles, L., Moran, V., & Checkland, K. (2019). Journal of Health Services Research & Policy. DOI: 10.1177/1355819619842272

January 2019

National evaluation of the Vanguard new care models programme Interim report: understanding the national support programme

This short report sets out the results of one part of the research, a survey of Strategic Transformation Partnership (STP) Leads, to examine how the Vanguard programme has been understood and managed at the meso level.

Journal publications
September 2018

Discretion drift in primary care commissioning in England: Towards a conceptualisation of hybrid accountability obligations

Gore, O., McDermott, I., Checkland, K., Allen, P., & Moran, V. (2018). Public Administration, 0: ja. DOI: 10.1111/padm.12554

September 2018

Investigating recent developments in the commissioning system: Final report

This study aimed to investigate how recent policy developments, including the emphasis on place-based planning, have affected the process of commissioning and planning at local level.

June 2018

Impact of removing indicators from the Quality and Outcomes Framework

This project aimed to analyse the effect of indicator removal in a large, nationally-representative cohort of patients whose care quality has been consistently recorded over time.

May 2018

Ninth National GP Worklife Survey

From Jon Gibson, Matt Sutton, Sharon Spooner and Kath Checkland.

Journal publications
March 2018

Planning and managing primary care services: lessons from the NHS in England

Checkland, K., McDermott, I., Coleman, A., Warwick-Giles, L., Bramwell, D., Allen, P., & Peckham, S., (2018). Public Money & Management, 38:4, 261-270. DOI: 10.1080/09540962.2018.1449467.

March 2018

PRUComm Annual Research Seminar

March 2018

Understanding Primary Care Co-Commissioning: Uptake, Development, and Impacts: Final Report

This report presents the findings from a study following the development of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in England.