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July 2016

Public health and obesity in England – the new infrastructure examined

Our research provides an early overview of the development of the public health system in England (2013-15) and highlights some important issues that have both policy and practice implications.

July 2016

Alliance contracting, prime contracting and outcome based contracting: What can the NHS learn from elsewhere? A literature review

This report was part of the research of PRUComm on new models of contracting in the NHS, commissioned by the Department of Health.

Journal publications
July 2016

Interrogating institutional change: Actors’ attitudes to competition and cooperation in commissioning health services in England

Osipovič, D., Allen, P., Shepherd, E., Coleman, A., Perkins, N., Williams, L., Sanderson, M., and Checkland, K. (2015). Public Administration. Online first. DOI: 10.1111/padm.12268.

Journal publications
June 2016

Pricing in the NHS quasi market: A national study of the allocation of financial risk through contracts

Allen, P. & Petsoulas, C. (2016). Public Money & Management, 36(5), 341-348. DOI: 10.1080/09540962.2016.1194080

June 2016

Commissioning through competition and cooperation: Final report

This is a final report investigating how commissioners in local health systems managed the interplay of competition and cooperation in their local health economies, looking at acute and community health services.

June 2016

Commissioning through competition and cooperation: Final report – Appendix

Appendix: Timeline of policy, regulation, guidance and key events pertaining to competition and cooperation in the NHS commissioning process in England, (March 2013 – October 2015)

Journal publications
May 2016

Engaging GPs in commissioning: Realist evaluation of the early experiences of Clinical Commissioning Groups in the English NHS

McDermott, I., Coleman, A., Osipovič, D., Petsoulas, C., Perkins, N. (2016). Journal of Health Services Research & Policy. DOI:10.1177/1355819616648352.

April 2016

The future of commissioning

April 2016

PHOENIX: Public Health and Obesity in England – the New Infrastructure Examined – Final report

The PHOENIX project aims to examine the impact of structural changes to the health and care system in England on the functioning of the public health system, and on the approaches taken to improving the public’s health.

April 2016

PHOENIX: Public Health and Obesity in England – the New Infrastructure Examined – Second survey report

The PHOENIX project aims to examine the impact of structural changes to the health and care system in England on the functioning of the public health system, and on the approaches taken to improving the public’s health.

February 2016

General practitioner recruitment and retention: An evidence synthesis – Final Report

This report is an evidence synthesis on GP recruitment, retention and re-employment.

Journal publications
January 2016

Complexity in the new NHS: longitudinal case studies of CCGs in England

Checkland, K., McDermott, I., Coleman, A., & Perkins, N. (2016). BMJ Open, 2016;6:e010199. DOI:doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010199.

January 2016

Understanding primary care co-commissioning: Uptake, scope of activity and process of change – Interim report

This report presents early findings from the third phase of a longitudinal study following the development of CCGs since their inception in 2011. The over-arching aim of this phase of the project is to explore the significant changes to the work of CCGs as they took varying levels of new responsibility for commissioning primary care services from April 2015.

January 2016

Understanding primary care co-commissioning: Uptake, scope of activity and process of change – Interim report summary

This is the summary for the interim report.

Journal publications
October 2015

Co-owner, service provider, critical friend? The role of public health in clinical commissioning groups

Warwick-Giles, L., Coleman, A. & Checkland, K (2015). J Public Health (Oxf), 1-6. DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdv137