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From Jonathan Gibson, Kath Checkland, Anna Coleman, Mark Hann, Robbie McCall, Sharon Spooner and Matt Sutton.
Cameron, A. Allen, P., Williams, L., Durand, MA., Perotin, V., Bartlett, W. and Hutchings, A. (2015). Journal of Health Organisation and Management.
Stokes, J., Panagioti, M., Alam, R., Checkland, K., Cheraghi-Sohi, S., & Bower, P. (2015). PLoS One, 10, e0132340.
Miller, R., Peckham, S., Coleman, A., McDermott, I., Harrison, S. & Checkland, K (2015). J Health Serv Res Policy.
In this study we explored the potential added value that clinicians, specifically GPs, bring to the commissioning process in interviews, and followed this up with observations of commissioners at work.
The PHOENIX project aims to examine the impact of structural changes to the health and care system in England on the functioning of the public health system, and on the approaches taken to improving the public’s health.
Bramwell, D., Peckham, S., Allen, P., and Checkland, K. (2015). British Journal of General Practice, 65(636), 374-375. DOI:10.3399/bjgp15X685909
In this study we explored the potential added value that clinicians, specifically GPs, bring to the commissioning process in interviews, and followed this up with observations of commissioners at work.
Flood, C., Allen, P., Thomas, B. Walker, K. (2015). Canadian Medical Association Journal DOI:10.1503 /cmaj.140837.
This three year project aimed to investigate how commissioners negotiated, specified, monitored and managed contractual mechanisms to improve services and allocate financial risk in their local health economies, looking at both acute services and community health care.
Vostanis, P., Martin, P., Davies, R., De Francesco, D., Jones, M., Sweeting, R., Ritchie, B., Allen, P., and Wolpert, M. (2015). Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. DOI:10.1177/1355819615580868.
Coleman, A. & Glendinning, C (2015). Journal of Integrated Care, 23(2), 53-61.
S. Ettelt, N. Mays and P. Allen (2015). Journal of Social Policy.
The PHOENIX project aims to examine the impact of structural changes to the health and care system in England on the functioning of the public health system, and on the approaches taken to improving the public’s health.