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Coleman A, Segar J, Checkland K, McDermott I, Harrison S and Peckham, S (2015). Journal of Health Organization and Management 29, 75.
This report analyses the main themes that emerged from the evidence submissions and forms part of our preliminary work for PRUComm’s PHOENIX project examining the development of the new public health system.
Segar, J. (2015). J Health Serv Res Policy, DOI:10.1177/1355819614567912
Segar, J., Checkland, K., Coleman, A., & McDermott, I. (2015). In Saville Kushner, Jill Russell, Trisha Greenhalgh (Ed.), Case Study Evaluation: Past, Present and Future Challenges. (Vol. 15, pp. 85-105). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. DOI:10.1108/S1474-786320140000015004
A recent publication by the New Local Government Network (NLGN) looked at how local councils are preparing for the future and suggests depressingly that “there is simply no way that local government can reach 2018 let alone 2020 while still delivering the full range and quality of services currently on offer”.
2012 brought us the Olympics and it also saw the passing of the Health and Social Care Act 2012. This legislation set in motion a reorganisation of the English NHS said to be the most profound since its inception in 1948.
Ettelt, S., Mays, N. and Allen, P. (2014). Journal of Social Policy. First View Article, November 2014, pp 1 – 19 DOI: 10.1017/S0047279414000865
Our journal paper published by the British Journal of General Practice looks at what ‘added value’ GPs think they bring now they are responsible for commissioning healthcare in their local communities.
Our CCG research published in BMJ Open explored the early stages of transition, using contracting theory to try to understand how CCGs were approaching the decisions they needed to make.
Perkins N, Coleman A, Wright M, Gadsby E, Petsoulas C, McDermott I, & Checkland K. (2014). British Journal of General Practice, 64(628), 575-576. DOI:10.33999/bjgp14X682321
Peckham S, Wilson P, Williams L, Smiddy J, Kendall S, Brooks F, et al (2014). Health Service Delivery Research 2(44). DOI: 10.3310/hsdr02440
Segar J, Checkland K, Coleman A, McDermott I, Harrison S, Peckham S. (2014). SAGE Open, 1-12. DOI: 10.1177/2158244014554203.
Petsoulas C, Allen P, Checkland K, Coleman A, Segar J, Peckham S, & Mcdermott S. (2014). BMJ Open, 4:e005970. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005970.
This interim report summarises the findings of the first phase of our research on competition and exploring how commissioners and organisations they commission from understand the policy and regulatory environment in which they operate.
This is a review of the literature on primary care physician payment, methods and their impacts on physician behaviour.