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September 2014

Supporting effective commissioning in healthcare: Clinical Commissioning Groups, specialised services, and next steps for CSUs

Journal publications
September 2014

Accountability in the UK Healthcare System: An Overview

Peckham S (2014). Healthcare Policy.

August 2014

Moving Services out of hospital: Joining up General Practice and community services?

This report summarises the findings of a rapid review undertaken by PRUComm of the available evidence of what factors should be taken into account in planning for the closer working of primary and community health/care services in order to increase the scope of services provided outside of hospitals.

Journal publications
May 2014

Which features of primary care affect unscheduled secondary care use? A systematic review

Huntley, A., Lasserson, D., Wye, L., Morris, R., Checkland, K., England, H., Salisbury, C. & Purdy, S (2014). BMJ Open, 4(5). DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004746

May 2014

Clinical Commissioning Groups: One year on

In April 2013 clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) took over responsibility for £65 billion of the NHS budget. One year on, the seminar reflected on progress made by CCGs during their first year in operation, and discussed key issues for their future development.

Journal publications
April 2014

Leadership in the NHS: does the Emperor have any clothes?

Checkland, K (2014). Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 19(4), 253-256. DOI:10.1177/1355819614529101

April 2014

Exploring the ongoing development and impact of Clinical Commissioning Groups

The over-arching aim of the second phase of this project is to explore the impacts of CCGs, with a particular focus upon the potential added value that clinicians bring to the commissioning process (in its widest sense), and to elucidate the contexts and factors that enable or inhibit the delivery of these benefits.

April 2014

PHOENIX: Public Health and Obesity in England – the New Infrastructure Examined – First interim report: the scoping review

The PHOENIX project aims to examine the impact of structural changes to the health and care system in England on the functioning of the public health system, and on the approaches taken to improving the public’s health.

Journal publications
March 2014

Local histories and local sensemaking: a case of policy implementation in the English National Health Service

Coleman A, Checkland K, & Harrison S. (2014). In Michael Hill (Ed.), Studying Public Policy: An international approach. (pp. 209-220). Bristol: Policy Press.

January 2014

Health and Wellbeing Boards: a new type of partnership?

We examined issues and the early development of HWBs in our recently published article in Local Government Studies.

Journal publications
January 2014

Joining it up? Health and Wellbeing in the new English National Health Service organisation: Early evidence from Clinical Commissioning Groups and shadow Health and Wellbeing Boards

Coleman A, Checkland K, Segar I, McDermott I, Harrison S and Peckham S (2014). Local Government Studies, 40(4), 560-580. DOI:10.1080/03003930.2013.841578

Journal publications
December 2013

Accountable to whom, for what? An exploration of the early development of Clinical Commissioning Groups in the English NHS

Checkland K, Allen P, Segar J, Coleman A, McDermott I, Harrison S, Petsoulas C and Peckham S (2013). BMJ Open, 3, e003769. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003769

Journal publications
September 2013

Primary care-led commissioning: applying lessons from the past to the early development of clinical commissioning groups in England

Checkland K, Coleman A, McDermott I, Segar J, Miller R, Pestoulas C, Wallace A, Harrison S, Peckham S and Osipovic D (2013). British Journal of General Practice 63(614), e611-e619.

Journal publications
August 2013

The use of financial incentives to help improve health outcomes: is the quality and outcomes framework fit for purpose? A systematic review

Langdown C, and Peckham S. (2013). Journal of Public Health. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdt077.

Journal publications
July 2013

Divergence of NHS choice policy in the UK: What difference has patient choice policy in England made

Sanderson M, Allen P, Peckham S et al (2013). Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 18(4), 202-208.