
Supporting effective commissioning in healthcare: Clinical Commissioning Groups, specialised services, and next steps for CSUs

09 September 2014
Central London

Guests of Honour: Professor Peter Kay, National Clinical Director, Musculoskeletal Services, NHS England and Bob Ricketts, Director of Commissioning Support Services and Market Development, NHS England

This seminar focuses on supporting effective commissioning in healthcare.

Delegates will consider what more can be done to support primary care and specialised commissioning - with plans being made to give Clinical Commissioning Groups powers to co-commission primary care services and a five year strategy for specialised services currently in development.

Discussion will be informed by the publication of NHS England's guidance for moving Commissioning Support Units (CSUs) towards operational autonomy by 2016 - expected to be published in July 2014.

Further sessions focus on the role of third and private sector organisations in delivering commissioning support services, challenges facing CSUs relating to funding, staffing and competition, and wider issues in healthcare procurement.

Bob Ricketts, Director of Commissioning Support Services and Market Development, NHS England and Tim Decamp, Head of Mutuals Programme, Cabinet Office will deliver keynote addresses at this seminar.

We are delighted that Professor Peter Kay, National Clinical Director, Musculoskeletal Services, NHS England; Bob Ricketts, Director of Commissioning Support Services and Market Development, NHS England and Tim Decamp, Head of Mutuals Programme, Cabinet Office have kindly agreed to deliver keynote addresses at this seminar.

Dr Pauline Allen, Deputy Director, Policy Research Unit in Commissioning and Healthcare System (PRUComm) and Reader, Health Services Organisation, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Beth Capper, Commissioning Support Programme Lead, Macmillan Cancer Support;Christopher Exeter, Director of Corporate Strategy, UnitedHealth Group; Dr Leigh Griffin, Managing Director, NHS Greater Manchester Commissioning Support Unit; John Howard, Director, Management Consulting, KPMG; Dr Etheldreda Kong, Chair, Brent Clinical Commissioning Group;Kenny Lee, Head of Tax Services, Liaison Financial Services; David Smith, Director, Health and Adult Services, Kingston Council and Chief Officer, Kingston Clinical Commissioning Group have also kindly agreed to speak.

Baroness Cumberlege, former Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health and Chair, All-Party Parliamentary Health Group has kindly agreed to chair a session at this seminar.